Courts + Queer Mais Trash – 20 Years already!
For its 20th edition, COURTS MAIS TRASH festival is once again joining forces with QUEER MAIS TRASH to kick off the film season in Brussels. From January 31 to February 9, 2025, this crucial event for independent, underground, political, and offbeat cinema will for the first time take place at Espace Magh, a couple of steps away from the iconic Manneken-Pis.
To mark this symbolic anniversary, the College of Mayor and City Councillors have approved the creation of a unique Manneken Mais Trash costume for the Manneken-Pis statue. A reception will celebrate this momentous occasion a few hours before the official launch of the festival. With over 7,500 festival-goers expected, screenings, school sessions, festive evenings, a cinema-concert and professional events, COURTS MAIS TRASH and QUEER MAIS TRASH are once again set to be major highlights of Brussels’ artistic scene. More than 150 films will be screened, and over 50 filmmakers will share their work with the audience.

Save the Date:
Queer Mais Trash
from January 31 to February 2!
This anniversary edition will kick off with a screening of Les Reines du Drame, a queer feature film directed by Alexis Langlois and presented at the last Cannes Film Festival. The event will feature the film’s team, including a lip sync competition to songs by lolitas, inspired by the film.
Three intense days exploring LGBTQIA+ themes and the feminist Female Trouble screenings. On the programme: inclusive, edgy and sexy films as well as legendary events, including the long-awaited return of Bingo Mais Trash, hosted by Edna Sorgelsen (in French).

Then, get ready for
Courts Mais Trash
from February 4 to 9!
The COURTS MAIS TRASH program will as always include national and international competitions, along with the ever-popular Courts Mais Trash – Deluxe, which spotlights productions with larger budgets. Famous sessions such as Courts Mais Super SEX , Courts Mais Super TRASH, Courts Mais Super WTF!? and Born 2 Be Cheap – dedicated to the best low-budget productions – will also return.
Beyond its screenings, COURTS MAIS TRASH Is also a space for connection and celebration. Festival-goers can enjoy the unmissable After Trash Parties, including the popular Karaoké Mais Trash, and the closing cinema-concert One-way Ticket To The Other Side by Brussels-based band Pornographie Exclusive.
See you soon, and take care,

Call For Entries
The call for films 2025 is now closed. We’ve never received so many proposals and we’re delighted that so many of you are following us. The programme will be announced on our website in mid-December!
Still from Call Me Mommy by Tara O’Callaghan
After Trash Movie – Courts + Queer Mais Trash 2024
Dear audience, it’s time to say goodbye until next year, sniff sniff. Over 5200 of you joined us for the festivities at Riches-Claires – it’s incredible, the halls were packed all week. We hope you had a great time and that you’ll be back for the 20th anniversary of COURTS MAIS TRASH!
Lots of kisses,
Independent & UNDERGROUND Film Festival.
Camera & Edit : Milan Tintané-Ducharme
Music : VHS From Space
Courts + Queer Mais Trash 2024 Awards
It’s time to announce the awards given by the jury (our audience).
Congratulations to all!

Best Queer Film
500€ offered by the Festival
House of Whoreship
Holly Bates
AU 2022 15’40

Best National Film
500€ offered by Sabam
Levi Stoops
BE 2023 14’49

Best International Film
500€ offered by the Festival
Call Me Mommy
Tara O’Callaghan
IE 2022 14’59

Best Cheap Film – Born 2BE Cheap
500€ offered by the Festival
Caroline Dujardin, Justine Venet
FR 2021 05’00

Best Belgian Student Film
500€ offered by the National Lottery
Naomi Noiret
BE 2023 17’00
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